Productivity Enhancement of Micro & Small Dairy Farmers in Badulla District through Sustainable on farm Development & Dairy Management Practices
Total Project Cost
RS. 142,863,355.00
Locations of the Project
Atamapitiya, Bandarawela, Haliela, Lunuwatte, Uva Paranagama, Welimada
Number of Beneficiaries

Background of the Proposed Project
Main objective of the project is to increase the income of the micro and small dairy farmers in Welimada, Uva paranagama and Bandarwela electorate divisions (Badulla District) through sustainable on farm productivity development with better management. Number of key actions will be taken at the project initiation. Those are;
• Improving the current income of 350 selected smallholder dairy farmers within the period of 3 years by doubling the milk production and increasing the lactation period.
• Farmers will be categorized into three models;
Category 1- Farmers with daily milk production between 10-15 liters
Category 2- Farmers with daily milk production between 16-21 liters
Category 3- Farmers with daily milk production between 22-27 liters
• Farmers will be selected from the Welimada, Uvaparanagama and Bandarawela Electorate divisions.
• Enhance the quality of milk through better herd management practices and clean milk production at farm level.
• Enable farmers to obtain credit facilities with subsidized interest rate under easy payment schemes and to make them bankable.
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• Promote youth entrepreneurship initiative under the partnership.
• Educate beneficiaries on basic financial literacy and household budget management.
• Promote evening milk production through establishing mini chilling centers at village level.
• Introducing modern cattle care techniques
Specific Objectives
• To double the existing daily milk production by third year of the intervention through productivity enhancing measures during the partnership period.
• To enhance the quality of milk through better herd management practices and clean milk production at farm level.
• To enable farmers to obtain credit facilities with subsidized interest rate under easy payment schemes and to make them bankable.
• To enhance the women and unemployed youth participation for the dairy related activities.
• To educate beneficiaries on impact of climate change and resilience with adaptation of mitigation measures.
• To educate beneficiaries on basic financial literacy and household budget management.
Investment Plan
Category 1 (195 farmers)

Category 2 (110 farmers)

Category 03 (45 farmers)

Social Impact
• Positive impact on foreign reserves of the country.
• Increased living standard of the farmer.
• Social enterprise in operation for betterment of the village society.
Contact Us
Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships
Programme (SAPP),
Nawala Road, Rajagiriya,
Sri Lanka
+94 112 431 426
+94 112 431 345

SAPP Regional Offices
UVA Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 071 811 6152
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Agrarian Service Center district office, Keppitipola Road, Badulla
Southern & Western Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 375 0881
Email: [email protected]
Address: Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership Programme, No. 212/A, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya
North Western Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 329 5013
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Dambulla Road, Kurunegala
North Central Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 376 0028
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office,Provincial Department of Agriculture,2nd Floor, Kada 12, Anuradhapura
Central & Sabaragamuwa Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 329 5013
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Department of Animal Production & Health, No.13, Peradeniya