# Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships

4P -Public Private Producer Partnerships

Smallholder Partnership Programme

Project Director Message

The core of the project is to introduce inclusive pro-poor agribusiness model to the agriculture sector in the country which is now become popular among smallholders of the country, as 4P -Public Private Producer Partnerships. This pioneer model develops a strong platform to bridge all value chain partners and making win-win situations for the sustainability of such value chains. The approach is pro-poor where rural agriculture smallholders are given assistance and prominence in the chain while attracting and retaining youth in agriculture, making them comfortable to be in the business through linking markets, know-how, technology and financing for their micro-medium scale enterprises/farms that they are engaged.
The model by now proves its success through its popularity among private companies and also among Farmer Producer Organizations in the country and most notedly among youth in all parts of Sri Lanka. The lessons learned have shown that true transformation is happening, making more profits by the project beneficiaries and their rate of retaining in projects that they have been engaged.


The overall goal of SAP is to contribute to Sri Lanka's smallholders’ poverty reduction and competitiveness. The programme development objective is to sustainably increase the income and quality of diet of (initially) 57,500 smallholder households involved in commercially-oriented production and marketing systems.


The objective of the programme is to sustainably increase the income and quality of diet of 57500 smallholder households involved in commercially oriented production and marketing systems ; aiming at Increasing the incomes of the beneficiaries participating in the marketing chain development component by 20% -30% on an average through a combination of improved farm gate prices, improved on-farm productivity and participation in upstream value adding process, and 57,500-supported household under SAPP have access to rural financial services in a sustainable manner and at affordable rates.

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