4P -Public Private Producer Partnerships
Project Director Message
The overall goal of SAP is to contribute to Sri Lanka's smallholders’ poverty reduction and competitiveness. The programme development objective is to sustainably increase the income and quality of diet of (initially) 57,500 smallholder households involved in commercially-oriented production and marketing systems.
The objective of the programme is to sustainably increase the income and quality of diet of 57500 smallholder households involved in commercially oriented production and marketing systems ; aiming at Increasing the incomes of the beneficiaries participating in the marketing chain development component by 20% -30% on an average through a combination of improved farm gate prices, improved on-farm productivity and participation in upstream value adding process, and 57,500-supported household under SAPP have access to rural financial services in a sustainable manner and at affordable rates.
Contact Us
Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships
Programme (SAPP),
Nawala Road, Rajagiriya,
Sri Lanka
+94 112 431 426
+94 112 431 345
SAPP Regional Offices
UVA Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 071 811 6152
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Agrarian Service Center district office, Keppitipola Road, Badulla
Southern & Western Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 375 0881
Email: [email protected]
Address: Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership Programme, No. 212/A, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya
North Western Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 329 5013
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Dambulla Road, Kurunegala
North Central Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 376 0028
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office,Provincial Department of Agriculture,2nd Floor, Kada 12, Anuradhapura
Central & Sabaragamuwa Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 329 5013
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Department of Animal Production & Health, No.13, Peradeniya