Back yard poultry for income generation of rural women
Total Project Cost
RS. 77.75 Mn
Locations of the Project
Number of Beneficiaries

Background of the Proposed Project
The producer organization needs to improve the capacity of back yard egg production and supply to the organized market with quality and quantity required under stable price. The eggs will be branded with the producer organization name and supply to the market at hygienical condition with product details ( laying date , Expiry date , etc)
Project Objectives
• Engage unemployed women and youth in sustainable income generation activities which lead to economic and social development of the country.
• Reduce economic and social constraints by developing means of income domestically for the female which intent to migrate overseas as housemaid.
• Connect and organize unorganized backyard egg producers isolated to a proper structure with clear marketing linkages.
• Establish and strengthen farmer organizations and to convert them to social enterprises with capacity development.
• Promote market oriented backyard poultry eggs with a branded name
• Transform new technology from private sector level to members.
• Avoid malnutrition in the rural families.
• Create additional job opportunities ( Poultry mini hatchery operators, poultry feed producers, feed suppliers, compost producers etc)
The Chello Dairy Products(Pvt) company currently produces more than 15 varieties of dairy products from 4 million litres of milk collected mainly from 800 smallholder dairy farmers scattered in Hambantota, Ratnapura, Badulla, Moneragala, Amapara & Polonnaruwa districts annually through its milk collection network comprise of 15 commission based milk collectors, 05 milk chilling centres and chilled milk transporting system. Company has ensured guaranteed farm gate price for milk. Supporting these farmers, there are about 370 passionate people in the company to make dairy products available to thousands of consumers in the country every day. Company caters to 20% of dairy products selling retail outlets of the country through its island wide marketing network having 52 distribution points and 77 vehicles. Company has already created a trusted brand and market for its products.
Investment Plan

Social Impact
The involvement of unemployed women and youth in hatchery will generate additional income for the household and as a result, they could play a major or equal role in household income generation. Once it identified as one of the sustainable improved cash flow generating option that could be easily combined with their day to day household activities. Most of the youth will note this as one option where they could be independent in choice and decision making through a developed income generation with poultry as an acceptable entrepreneurship.
Farmer organizations formation and strengthening could be considered as a key component in sustainability of this partnership where the formed and developed farmer organizations (Social enterprises) will be able to have a solid business partnership after the exit of the proposed project with SAPP.
Contact Us
Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships
Programme (SAPP),
Nawala Road, Rajagiriya,
Sri Lanka
+94 112 431 426
+94 112 431 345

SAPP Regional Offices
UVA Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 071 811 6152
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Agrarian Service Center district office, Keppitipola Road, Badulla
Southern & Western Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 375 0881
Email: [email protected]
Address: Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership Programme, No. 212/A, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya
North Western Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 329 5013
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Dambulla Road, Kurunegala
North Central Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 376 0028
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office,Provincial Department of Agriculture,2nd Floor, Kada 12, Anuradhapura
Central & Sabaragamuwa Province
Regional Project Coordinator
Tel: 077 329 5013
Email: [email protected]
Address: SAPP Regional Office, Department of Animal Production & Health, No.13, Peradeniya