Presentation of Policy Paper on Dairy Sector
Workshop on Presentation of Policy Paper on Dairy Sector
Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership Program (SAPP) funded by !FAD and implemented under MOA, with the assistance of Department of Animal Production and Health and other regional and national level agencies has initiated 10 projects under producer-public-private partnerships (4P) model covering 5977 smallholder farmers with the objective of increasing productivity and collection of milk through linking smallholder farmers to companies and assisting them by providing grant, credit and capacity building and institutional strengthening to improve their dairy farms. While implementing these projects, the SAPP conducted a workshop on dairy sector in January 2020 with the participation of stakeholders of the dairy sector. This workshop was attended by around 100 participants representing the public and private agencies and producers. The purpose of the workshop was to identify and prioritize major issues hindering enabling environment for dairy sector development and sustainability of national dairy value chain and to draw up a policy paper reviewing existing policies and present to the attention of all related policy makers for implementation.